
Well I am glad you could make it. Take a look around. This will be the new domain of all my upcoming blog posts. I had to let go of live journal because of all the unfortunate problems i encountered with my posts. The compatibility level for everyone and myself was also a reoccurring problem, so I hope you can come stop in and visit A Few Jotted Notes here at Blogger. 

I wanted to tell you a little about the title of my blog, which took me a couple weeks to think of. I brainstormed and brainstormed for something to fit me perfectly and a title that would categorize my blog and give it purpose and go along well with my posts. I even actually once went to a title generator website that makes titles for you, because I was having a serious case of title blockage in my big creative mind of mine :) Nothing and I mean nothing could fit quite well.

I thought about my posts and my purposes for blogging, and really tried to narrow it down, but really there is nothing i base my blog on. Sure, Live Like You Were Dying was all about my adventures and travel and what not, but it was still random. Its just random, jotted down notes and thoughts of my life. I am random, i've never had a main purpose for my blog, and i love it for pics, life updates for my family and friends to follow and for myself really, to look back on. Its kinda like the Facebook timeline, but minus everyone else, but my own thoughts.

 Live like You Were Dying goes all the way back to March 10th 2010, so I have been blogging for about 3 years now. I always want to be a better writer, and for that matter a better blogger, so getting on more and blogging is definitely a goal of mine. Thats why I choose to change my domain to blogger, something fresh, more compatible, and more options and variety. You know what they say about a new kitchen, it makes you want to cook, or new running shoes, it makes you want to work out. Well thats the reasoning for me, A new Domain, makes me want to blog :) I've been working on trying to transfer my live journal domain over, but as of right now I am starting fresh. Maybe in the future I will get it figured out, we'll see. 

I hope all of you enjoy this new chapter of my life and find my posts/pics interesting. I am warning you now; this is not a purposed blog, but just a few jotted notes. Welcome.

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